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As we strive to fill our minds with wisdom, knowledge, and growth, something crucial often slips through the cracks. Something we do not do consciously:...

Despite the boundless optimism surrounding AI’s potential, there’s a palpable undercurrent of fear, especially among the educated and the intelligent, who understand the profound uncertainties...

In a world crippled by a relentless disease, the healthy man is an outlier, either envied or dismissed by the society. What can he do...

This morning, after a peaceful stroll through the serene streets of Juhu, I reached into my pocket for the car key, only to be met...

Early in 2021, when we were just getting comfortable with the un-lockdown phase, our family, awakening to a more ecologically aware existence, toyed with the...

The intricate complexities of spiritual ideologies and philosophical concepts often interlace words like Mukti, Moksha, Nirvana, Salvation, and Freedom, blurring the fine lines that separate...

Marie Kondo is the queen of tidying up. She is the one who gives your socks with the hole, the one that's hidden below the...

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